Privacy Policy

A. Introduction:

B. Application of Policy:

C. Objectives of policy:

D. Collection of Information:

Types of information Collected by Hannahs Verse:

Sr. No.Source of InformationNature of Information Collected
1)Users/CustomersPersonal Identifying information such as name, address and phone numbers; email Id, Age, personal description, profile photograph etc., & delivery address,payment information.location information.Device information (if you provided).IP address.Name, addresses & phone numbers, e-mail IDs of friends and other people listed in Addresses;Content of reviews and e-mails to us.voice recordings when you call to usage, login detail, device log files etc., while using our platform.Contacts – address book for app users
2)Vendors/SellersPersonal Identifying information such as name, address and phone numbers; email Id, Age, personal description, profile photograph ,Marital status etc.,.payment information.location information.Device information (if you provided)IP address.Name, addresses & phone numbers, e-mail IDs of friends and other people listed in Addresses.content of reviews and e-mails to us.voice recordings when you call to us.images, videos and other content collected or stored in connection with our Services.information and officially valid documents (KYC regarding identity and address information, including mobile & landline number, place of business, valid Email id, vendor’s photo, id & address proof (such as Aadhar card, Pan Card, GST Voter Id Card, Passport, Shop and Establishment Certificate, etc.,.credit usagecorporate and financial information, anddevice log files and configurations etc.,.
3)Automatic InformationIP address of your device connected to our platform.Login details, e-mail address, and password, device log files etc.,.location of device/computer.content interaction information, downloads, streaming of video, network details etc.,.device metrics, application usage, connectivity data, and any errors or event failures.our Services metrics, any technical errors, interactions with our service features and content, settings preferences and backup information, location of device, file name, dates, times etc while using our service.content use history.URLs including date & time; products & contents viewed or searched for; page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, and page interaction information etc.,.phone numbers used to call to us.Images/videos while visiting our platforms.device identifiers, cookies, browsing history, usage history, and/or other technical information.
4)Information from Other Sourcesupdated delivery and address information from our carriers or other third parties.account information, purchase or redemption information and page-view information from some merchants/partners for which we provide technical, advertising or other services.information about interactions with vendors while interacting via HV results and links, including paid/free listings.internet-connected devices details.
5)Officials/Employees/Resellers etc…Personal Identifying information such as name, address and phone numbers; email Id, Age, personal description, profile photograph etc.,.Educational Information.information and officially valid documents (KYC) regarding identity and address information.payment information.location information.Device information (if you provided)IP address.content of reviews and e-mails to us.voice recordings when you call to us.login detail, device log files etc., while using our platforms.
6)Third Party InformationCorporate & financial information about our co-branded partners, delivery partners, and other third party associated with us.CIN Number, PAN Number, GSTN Number etc.,.Location information.Device information (if you provided)IP address.Internet-connected devices details.Identity and address information etc.,.

E. Hannahs Verse Doesn’t Collect the Information:

F. Usage of Information:

G. Processing of Personal Information:

H. Disclosure of Information:

I. Transfer of information:

J. Retention of Your Information:

K. Review of Information by You:

L. Your Consent (Opt-in & Opt-out):

M. Consent to Push Notification:

N. Third-party Advertisers, Links to Other Sites:

O. Children Information

P. Our Commitment to Information Security:

Q. Transparency & Accountability Measures:

R. Monitoring and Enforcement:

S. Terms of Use, Policy & Revisions:

T. Grievance Officer:

1. In accordance with Information Technology Act 2000 and rules & regulations made thereunder, the name and contact details of the Grievance Officer are provided below:

Name : Mr. Adrian Dcosta

Address: Hannahs Verse 221, Shree Krishna Industrial Estate, Dahisar Check Naka, Dahisar, Mumbai 400 098

Contact No: +91 99 87 803 026


2. If you have a query, issue, concern, or complaint in relation to collection or usage of your personal information under this Privacy Policy, please contact us at the contact information provided above or write to us at


“Act”“Act” means the Information Technology Act, 2000 (21 of 2000);
“Automated means”“Automated means” means any equipment capable of operating automatically in response to instructions given for the purpose of processing data.
“Biometrics”“Biometrics” means the technologies that measure and analyse human body characteristics, such as ‘fingerprints’, ‘eye retinas and irises’, ‘voice patterns’, “facial patterns’, ‘hand measurements’ and ‘DNA’ for authentication purposes.
“Body corporate”“Body corporate” means any company and includes a firm, sole proprietorship or other association of individuals engaged in commercial or professional activities.
“Child”“Child” means a data provider below the age of eighteen years
“Cyber incidents”“Cyber incidents” means any real or suspected adverse event in relation to cyber security that violates an explicitly or implicitly applicable security policy resulting in unauthorised access, denial of service or disruption, unauthorised use of a computer resource for processing or storage of information or changes to data, information without authorisation.
“Cyber security”“cyber security” means protecting information, equipment, devices, computer, computer resource, communication device and information stored therein from unauthorised access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification or destruction.
“Data”“Data” means a representation of information, knowledge, facts, concepts or instructions which are being prepared or have been prepared in a formalised manner, and is intended to be processed, is being processed or has been processed in a computer system or computer network, and may be in any form (including computer printouts magnetic or optical storage media, punched cards, punched tapes) or stored internally in the memory of the computer.
“Data provider”“Data provider” means the natural person to whom the personal data relates to.
“Data protection & Security”Anyone collecting personal & customer information must fairly & lawfully process it only for limited, specifically stated purposes and use the information accurately and in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive, and retain the information/records no longer than absolutely necessary, process the information in accordance with law and keep the information secure and never transfer the information outside the country without adequate protection.
“Password”“Password” means a secret word or phrase or code or passphrase or secret key, or encryption or decryption keys that one uses to gain admittance or access to information.
“Personal information”“Personal information” means any information that relates to a natural person (individual), which, either directly or indirectly, in combination with other information available or likely to be available with a body corporate, is capable of identifying such person, i.e., Name, Address, mobile Number, email id, Date of birth etc.,.
“Data processor”“Data processor” means any person, including the State, a company, any juristic entity or any individual who processes personal data on behalf of a data fiduciary, but does not include an employee of the data fiduciary.
“Processing”“Processing” in relation to personal data, means an operation or set of operations performed on personal data, and may include operations such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation, alteration, retrieval, use, alignment or combination, indexing, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, restriction, erasure or destruction.
“reasonable security practices and procedures”“reasonable security practices and procedures” means security practices and procedures designed to protect such information from unauthorised access, damage, use, modification, disclosure or impairment, as may be specified in an agreement between the parties or as may be specified in any law for the time being in force and in the absence of such agreement or any law, such reasonable security practices and procedures, as may be prescribed by the Central Government in consultation with such professional bodies or associations as it may deem fit.
“Sensitive personal data or information”Sensitive personal data or information of a person means such personal information which consists of information relating to; -password;financial information such as Bank account or credit card or debit card or other payment instrument details ;physical, physiological and mental health condition;sexual orientation;medical records and history;Biometric information;any detail relating to the above clauses as provided to body corporate forproviding service; andany of the information received under above clauses by body corporate for processing, stored or processed under lawful contract or otherwise;Provided that, any information that is freely available or accessible in public domain or furnished under the Right to Information Act, 2005 or any other law for the time being in force shall not be regarded as sensitive personal data or information.
“Third Party”All external parties, i.e. contractors, interns, trainees, vendors, users etc., who have accessed to Hannahs Verse information assets or information systems.